
Cillian chats to Protein Bor Papi on The Takeover - Beat 102-103

1 - Cillian chats to Protein Bor Papi on The Takeover
Cillian chats to Protein Bor Papi on The Takeover
1 - Cillian chats to Protein Bor Papi on The Takeover

Cillian Doyle has an exclusive chat with Mr Protein Bor himself, James Doyle. We hear all about how the trend went viral, James' reaction to some of the biggest stars getting involved and what's next for Protein Bor!


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  • Cillian chats to Protein Bor Papi on The Takeover
    1 - Cillian chats to Protein Bor Papi on The Takeover
    Wed, 27 Jul 2022
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